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The Future of AI: Predictions and Trends

When talking about AI advancement and improvement, nothing comes close to what transpired in the last couple of years. This tech, which was all but inconspicuous, suddenly sprang up and took the world by storm. Owning to tremendous success in the recent past, many are expecting more AI wonders to happen in the future, some far off in the distance while some in the next years to come. What the future holds for AI? Let’s find out about the general AI predictions and supposed trends.

What is AI? Why is it important?

Before going off on a tangent, it is crucial to first address the elephant in the room, which is AI, and its importance. AI is a smart amalgamation of different types of techs working in tandem towards a tangible target. And the goal is to enable such machines to ultimately act as a human.

AI uses machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing to emulate human response on a very basic level. However, it is assumed that with proper cognitive programming, the time is not far from when the AI will become self-aware, and it will no longer have to emulate emotions rather than simply emote.

And herein lies the importance of AI. If its potential is realized, an AI would be able to do what humans can but better and without bias. Furthermore, it can improve several industries and revolutionize problem-solving. And last but not least, while acting like humans they lack the obvious disadvantages of the human species. But that is a debate for another day. For now let us directly delve into what the future holds for AI (supposedly), and how it will work.

Predictions and or trends, Far in the Future:

We have divided this segment into two parts. One where we will talk about all the far-off future not-really-likely scenarios and case studies that might seem out of sci-fi but have a theoretical standing to fall back on. And the next part will tackle supposed trends that are not only feasible but somewhat achievable in the next few years.

Healthcare revolution and Personalized medicine

The very first industry that can actually benefit insurmountable from AI is, without a doubt, the healthcare sector. Recent reports show how AI is actively working on unlocking the secrets of DNA via gene sequencing. If successful, AI could handle problems at a cellular level. Furthermore, if it can become proficient at predicting and identifying the hidden patterns in the genomic data, it would allow for cures to be found for diseases no one imagined could get cured. For example, upon successful gene-building, AI can aid cancer treatment and maybe even help with a cure.

But then, that’s almost too far in the future. But still possible on a theoretical level. Also note, since AI is working on a cellular level, it can make the pharmaceutical industry more streamlined as personal medicine will no longer be a myth. It can help mix up doses and chemicals based on biology and chemical reactions and tailor-make medicine for individuals.

Mechanization is the way forward

Another prediction is that we will end up creating robots and machines that are far smarter than us. In fact, both AI schools of thought are open to the possibility of a Super intelligent AI or a Self-aware AI. A famous futurist even went as far as predicting that computers will have the same amount of intelligence as humans by 2045. In AI this is called Singularity, after which all AI becomes somewhat sentient.

A Super intelligent AI would be able to accurately predict world disasters, solve hunger, overcome diseases, and control climate change. AI is recognized to be the answer, moving forward. Even when humans claim to know how dangerous or unpredictable such a self-aware machine could be, most tech gurus and geniuses are of one mind that not only is it inevitable but also necessary. When asked about the severe implications it might have, the most common answer is how humanity as a whole has embraced technology which is almost an inseparable part of most people’s lives.

People will become clairvoyant using data analytics

By harnessing the power of AI, people can truly become clairvoyants and soothsayers. And no were are not branching out into metaphysics, but rather explaining how an ASI can accurately predict future events, only if sufficient data is provided.

Cyborgs and equality

AI is set to achieve what idealists couldn’t. And that is equality. How? Because many geniuses like Elon Musk predicted that the way AI is moving forward, we will have to become symbiotes to technology. He hypothesizes that even today, we rely comfortably on tech such as the smartphone too intimately. Thus, the obvious evolution is the merger of cybernetics and organism or so-called cyborgs.

Development and Changes due to AI looming on the horizon

Now let us examine some AI trends that can not only come true much faster but also examine how AI will change our world in the next couple of years.

More businesses will go for Automation to supplement human talent

It is a no-brainer that more and more industries will start adopting AI to augment better performance. If we observe the AI’s rate of inclusion in several industries, it becomes obvious that more will follow in the near future to capitalize on the tech’s success.

There is no stopping Generative AI in the near future

The astounding success of ChatGPT has opened doors for similar innovation. A recent news article stated how some investors used ChatGPT to predict market trends for a week, and it performed better than professional brokers. Moreover, many industries are actively embracing generative AI in their operations for customer handling and other tasks. A new patch for ChatGPT now allows the program to act as a junior coder who can run code lines with ease and accuracy. All these are a precursor to a much improved and powerful AI that is not fiction.

Especially if we consider all these improvements took less than two years and some change. Reports show Google working on a text-to-video AI model that is likely to increase output. And then there is a multimodel AI in talks that can build business models from scratch opening doors to jobs and opportunities we didn’t even know existed.

Customer Interaction will undergo huge changes

Then finally, we have customers to think about. And how they will react to AI. If past incidents are any indication, AI will likely sooner transform the way businesses interact with customers. As we already know, most businesses have already adopted digital assistants and chatbots capable of handling grievances and carrying out human-like conversations by utilizing NLP. Now, answering sophisticated questions and a personalized communication experience is on the table. Which is not that hard to achieve given the amount of data a person interacts with on the internet.